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The Greenwich Guitar School Terms & Conditions


1.Lessons: The Tutor will give tuition in Series of 4 or 5 lessons depending on the available teaching days each month.Each Series will not necessarily coincide with school terms. The Tutor will give the lessons at the mutually agreed time and location specified and the Tutor will reserve this time slot for the Pupil on a regular basis ,either weekly or fortnightly.


2.Payment of fees: The Pupil (or the Pupil’s parent or guardian) will pay the fees for each Series of 4 or 5 lessons in full before the first lesson of the Series.


3.Missed lessons: The Tutor will charge for any scheduled lessons which the Pupil does not attend, unless the Tutor chooses not to do so because of exceptional circumstances. If the Tutor is obliged to cancel a scheduled lesson, the Pupil (or the Pupil’s parent or guardian) may choose between (i) carrying the lesson forward; or (ii) receiving a replacement lesson.


4.Termination of tuition: (a) This Agreement may be ended by mutual consent at any time by both parties. (b) Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving notice in writing to the other before the start of a Series of Lessons for the termination to take effect at the end of that Series. Termination by the Pupil (or the Pupil’s Parent or Guardian) may take effect at the end of a Series only and not at any other time.


5.Failure to give notice: Unless terminated under Condition 4 above, this Agreement shall continue from Series to Series. If the Pupil (or the Pupil’s Parent or Guardian) fails to give full notice to terminate this Agreement in accordance with Condition 4(b) above and the parties have not agreed to terminate the Agreement in accordance with Condition 4(a) above, the Pupil (or the Pupil’s parent or guardian) will be liable for the cost of one full Series in lieu of notice. If the Pupil stops attending lessons while a Series is ongoing, the Pupil (or the Pupil’s Parent or Guardian) is not entitled to a refund of any fees paid for that Series.  If the Tutor stops lessons without giving the correct notice specified in Condition 4(b) above Greenwich Guitar School shall refund any fees already paid for any lessons not given.


6.Changes:  Any changes to the terms of this Agreement must be confirmed in writing and signed and dated by both the Tutor and the Pupil (or the Pupil’s parent or guardian).


7.Governing law and jurisdiction: This Agreement shall be subject to the laws of the jurisdiction of the location for the lessons (specified above) and the signatories to this Agreement agree that any dispute relating to the subject matter of this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that jurisdiction







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